Friday, November 18, 2011

Are Purple-Heart Bandaids back in as Republican fashon accessories again?

Now that they are hating specific soldiers while trying to honor hypothetical ones?

Are Purple-Heart Bandaids back in as Republican fashon accessories again?
Yes.The regressive right only cares about soldiers they can use as propaganda.Soldiers who bravely do their duty but refuse to be brainwashed and think for themselves are labeled and spit on by the same folks who claim liberals hate the troops.

It's sad but I do believe more and more people realize the right is wrong.Their spin and lies are past their expiration date.
Reply:Thank you Report It

Reply:Oh gee... you mean like hating "soldiers" that are the darlings of you leftist.... like that "wounded" "Army Ranger Corporal" detailing the "atrocities" against innocent Iraqis? Atrocities like burning them alive and hanging their bodies from the rafters of Mosques?....... GUILTY! I actually do hate him.... but only because of the "little" detail that you Leftist seem to ignore... He was washed out of boot camp, tossed out of the Army after a couple of months, was never in Iraq, was never wounded, and totally made up the events he reported...

I also despise the *PHONY* defenders of the troops that don't actually care about or support them, but will use any excuse to use them for political gain.
Reply:"They"... Great generalization. The VAST majority of republicans, as I would hope the VAST majority of Americans, honor our soldiers, period. Rush is a commentator - he is paid to say things that will enflame interest and stimulate debate. He is just one person - don't try to label all republicans as anything based on the actions of one person. Based on that logic, all democrats must be adulterers, and I know they are not.
Reply:The specific soldier you're referring to is a total fraud who lied about his service. When is the left-wing kook fringe going to apologize for glomming onto his every word like it was Manna from Heaven?

And for that matter, where is Murtha's apology to the Haditha Marines that he viciously slandered? you mean the guy that said he was an Army Ranger, had been to Iraq, seen horrible atrocities in mosques, had post traumatic stress syndrome, got a Purple Heart and an honorable discharge when he, in fact, washed out of boot camp after 44 days? The same guy who's claims got translated into Arabic and was used as propaganda all over the Middle East.

Or...the guy who claimed he saw soldiers laughing at an Iraqi woman whose face got blown off, when he wasn't even in Iraq at the time the incident supposedly happened?

Or...the vets who repeatedly tapped into the Veterans Administration system for services that they were not entitled to.

Are those the "soldiers" who you claim we hate? Because THOSE are the soldiers that were being used as illustrations of PHONY soldiers. You got a problem with that? I don't!
Reply:We only dislike the liars commy. You "demon"crats are the ones who like to use the word "hate". You are the party of HATE.
Reply:You forgot stick-on/cut out medals too, honey! Whats a PH without the CMH to go with it? If you are gonna worship a non soldier....why not one with a chest full of medals? We true Veterans call it a "Salad Bar".

Add on : shortbus....might you be talking about Murtha who had a job doin Intell ? He was a REMF you know? I never met 1 Intell officer outside the wire.."TOO DANGEROUS" BUT...he has a PH! Hmmmmm......
Reply:As a Purple Heart recipient, I am deeply offended by such a thoughtless statement.
Reply:I didnt realize John Kerry was a republican now.

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