Friday, November 18, 2011

What Standards Did Kerry Have to Meet to Get a Purple Heart for a "Scratch"?

How serious were his "scratches"?

Did doctors treat him? What medicine/treatment did they give him? Preparation-H or what?

What % of soldiers get 3 "wounds" any NEVER have one of those wounds be serious? Was Kerry "lucky"?

What Standards Did Kerry Have to Meet to Get a Purple Heart for a "Scratch"?
He took the Creative writing class at Yale and once "in country" he put his pen to work. Once his compositions were complete, he submitted them to his Commanding Officer for signature which was a rubber stamp on the CO's field desk.
Reply:"Wounded under fire"....Try it some time,I think you'll change your attitude somewhat...!
Reply:Any wound that requires medical attention that was received under fire is awarded a purple heart. A friend of mine ran over an anti personnel mine with a deuce and a half in Vietnam. The mine only blew out his front tire, but the jolt cause him to cut his knee on the dash, requiring several stitches. He was given the purple heart.

Of course, he had the dung scared out of him.
Reply:Say, aren't you the same guy who got his underwear all tied in a knot over what some Web site said about General Petraus?

So which is it? Are combat military personnel sacrosanct or are their fair game? Why don't you use that brain of yours for a change and come up with a thought that's outside official party lines?
Reply:I'm sure his "injuries" were as real as his "Christmas in Cambodia" (which is to say: total fabrication)

Hanoi John Kerry was never shot at by Khmer Rouge and Cambodians. He never took CIA operatives into Cambodia to search for enemy enclaves. In fact, Hanoi John Kerry's boat never came within 50 miles of Cambodia.
Reply:This is just another Spinboat Liar rant.

I am sure the Navy properly authorized the award.

And he did not go AWOL the way Bush did, and he saw combat.

Just wondering if Dead Marxist ever served ?

To the person posting: What kind of honor does this confer on you to malign anyone who legitimately served - especially overseas in a combat zone ?

I don't count your president in this group.

When was he EVER in harm's way.

You need to rethink this question.
Reply:John Kerry, Max Cleland, John McCain and thousands of others served. George W Bush and Dick Cheney did not --- enough said.
Reply:There have been numerous purple hearts given for minor injuries, some earned and some staged.
Reply:Do not attack our veterans and decorated war heros again.

I find your lack of faith, quite disturbing...
Reply:They are handing out THOUSANDS of Purple Hearts in Iraq. Are you checking the "authenticity" of all of those?

PS What in-country combat unit was Bush in during Vietnam? I forget. But I'm sure with the terrible threat the Communists posed to the US that George did the courageous thing and FOUGHT for his country. Otherwise he and his non-uniformed supporters would seem hypocritical.
Reply:Doubtful, snarky and full of THAT'S the true way for a Republican to "Support Our Troops."

We knew you had it in you. Job Well Done!
Reply:Officers in Nam often put themselves in for medals and awards. Having been there and seen that, my guess is 10 - 20% of medlas to officers were pure B.S. In the case of Kerry 99.9%.
Reply:The same standards as the jackass swiftboaters that claim there was no battle, but got medals for their part in it too!!!

Seeing as though YOU were there, why aren't YOU in Iraq?

where was the dead marxist then??

probably still not born

Reply:Kerry is old news, washed up, a has been.

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