Friday, May 21, 2010

Does anyone know the truth about how John Kerry got those purple hearts?

Scratched knees....??

Does anyone know the truth about how John Kerry got those purple hearts?
self inflicted wounds, the only smart thing about Kerry was he knew that three purple hearts and your out. He served a total of four months and has been bashing the troops ever since!
Reply:Lies. Enjoy your ban, sonofabitch. Report It

Reply:You can't compare combat records unless you have someone that has actually been in combat and not the Texas National Guard which is protecting the coast of Texas for Vietmanese trying to attack America in their boats all the way across the Atlantic ocean and up the Gulf of Mexico.

Ask me later it is a long story. But for a start remember he was a rich frat boy in the Navy.
Reply:He was in one of those little booths in a x-rated video store in Saigon. When he was finished and leaving he slipped on the slippery stuff of the floor and hit his head. Hasn't been right since!
Reply:This always raises an interesting question or two. Like if it was so easy for Kerry to cheat and get his Purple Hearts, are the rest of them worth anything? And, if he was only scratched then should we only honor people hurt by better shots?

It is truly shameful that in their haste to destroy Kerry the Swiftboaters called into question the bravery of so many other fine men who weren't seriously injured, but were nonetheless injured by enemy fire. That will go down as one of the meanest charges ever made against an opponent in a political battle.

Kerry was there, when Bush was in Texas, and Cheney "had other things to do". Anyone who was there was a hero because no one was ever as safe as someone stateside.
Reply:He stole them from wounded Americans who deserved them!
Reply:This is ridiculous. the man fought in a war. He was injured. As far as I'm concerned, ANY veteran that represented our country with honor should get a purple heart. If you don't agree with what he is today, fine. But, don't insult his veteran status, cause at least he was there.
Reply:How many do you have?

A small piece of shrapnel in his arm. Small injuries, yet those in service today does not qualify for the bronze star that do their full missions.
Reply:Interesting that conservatives make a big deal about his Purple Hearts, but never point out that they were received on his *2nd* tour in Vietnam - a tour he'd volunteered for.
Reply:A little scratch on his forearm got him one purple heart.

One was due to an accidental scratch, and was dressed with a band-aid.
Reply:Apparently you support only Veterans who aren't Democrats? Say what you want, but John Kerry went to Vietnam when many others didn't(including President Bush %26amp; VP Cheney). Shouldn't we honor ALL veterans? People too many times say they support veterans and then decide which veterans were "honorable"????
Reply:He applied for each.You could request discharge if you got three purple hearts.
Reply:Read the Swiftboat Veterans book about John Kerry. It goes into great detail about Kerry's phony military record.

Did you know he was stripped of those medals and dishonorably discharged for approaching the Vietnamese and telling them not to surrender as he and his liberal buddies were close to getting the US to pull out?

Another traitor....Jimmy Carter, reinstated his commission and his medals at a later date as part of a presidential pardon to various people like Kerry.
Reply:you know what??? it doesnt matter if he was only there for 3 guys are saying crap like 3 months?? oh he is my hero...not, AT LEAST HE HAD THE BRAVERY TO GO OVER THERE!!!!!!! unlike some one else who started a big mess of a war where thousands of soilders have lost there life due to his personal vindeta against iraq....yeah thats right im talking about bush wake up people and smell the LIES!!!! bush told us 3 years ago we are making progress....if blowing up innocent civilians is progress then someone needs there head checked, you get purple hearts in war not just for injury but for looking out for others needs before your own, my uncle fought for you over in iraq and he got a purple heart and you know how he got it?? BECUASE HE REFUSED MEDICL ATTENTION until he knew everyone else around him was going to be to the guy that posted many purple hearts do you have???? how many times a day do you think about whats more important that he got this many purple hearts......or that he got them defending stupid idiots like YOU!
Reply:He bought them at an estate sale.
Reply:The conservatives responses are typical.

I suppose you're gonna start bashing Kevin Tillman now...
Reply:One of them was due to the fact he shot into a rice bin and a rice kernel hit him in the butt.Whaaaaaaaaaa
Reply:What a typical conservative attack. Baseless and pointless.
Reply:Funny...I hear this same stuff at work...from a bunch of punks who never served. He served, you don't get to judge his service. Of course, it doesn't match up with the heroism needed to have your daddy and granddaddy get you out of Vietnam, in to some safe National Guard posting, for which you then fail to show up. I'm sure flying to Mexico to pick up coke and hookers has it's own danger.
Reply:He earned them. At least he wasn't a deserter!!

I talked to the person who was blown into the water that Kerry pulled out, why don't you ask him! He was there and he will tell you!

By the way, ever been in combat! Ever been on a River Boat in Vietnam? You would not last 1 day! Their mission was to draw enemy fire! How would you like that mission!

Leave him alone you fascist!

Amazing how many people stick up for a deserter!

I have 2 Purple Heart's! Every time you question 1 about theirs you denigrate the rest of us you coward! There are a THOUSANDS of people who earned Purple Hearts. Many of my friends have them, one marine I know has 4!

That is a sore subject for those who were in Vietnam! I would appreciate it if you haven't been their and you have no real evidence other than that made up by Republicans, if you would just keep you bidg trap shut!

One thing is for sure, you don't have one or your mouth would not be flapping!!

You don't get Bronze Stars for doing what you are suppose to do! And you damn sure don't get one with A "V" device (for Valor) without doing something above anfd beyond!

How little you people know! But you think you know!

Shrapnel is one of the leading causes of death, expecially from IED's! Thousands in Iraq have been killed by IED's! The rule to recieve a Prurple Heart is you had to be engaged with, or the wound was caused by an enemy in combat! The injury has to be serious enough to have to be treated by an MD! The drawback there was, many were hit by shrapnel and treated by corpsman, who were trained enough to remove shrapnel if not life threatening! There are many of us who still walk around with shrapnel in their bodies!

If you really want to get technical, we are not at a state of war with Iraq, and Iraqi's are not the enemy, nor are they terrorist! Do you think those that are killed or wounded by people we are not at war with deserve a Purple Heart?

That's right, Pat Tillman has a Purple Heart and he was killed by his own troops! Going to take it away? Going to dinegrate him as well?


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