Friday, May 21, 2010

Why do those that hate john kerry act as if he awarded himself his Purple Hearts? Are they that clueless?

..pretty much

EDIT: you can't "nominate" yourself for a medal---clearly the person who made THAT comment is a complete LIAR (and a complete MORON as well).

Why do those that hate john kerry act as if he awarded himself his Purple Hearts? Are they that clueless?
lol...probably! Report It

Reply:Look at least Kerry joined the military to fake those bogus medals of his. You lacked the courage to even join unless you call posing on YA as a veteran military service. Report It

Reply:I have a DD 214 and all you have are lies and your homosexual obsession for me on YA! Why are you too frightened to answer a question or go fight in iraq? poseur! Report It

Reply:You do not have a DD214 unless you can prove it, scan it in boy and show the world, or shut you're yapping and disappear down the latrine you belong in, like a turd that you are Report It

Reply:when you acknowledge that Kerry's "honorable discharge" was in fact delivered by the then President of the United States to a political ally and years after the fact.

the Navy refused Kerry an honorable discharge and Kerry refuses to allow the public to know why.

can you spell "coverup"?

or does political expediency trump all notions of honesty with you?
Reply:How many times DO you beat that dead horse a day
Reply:No. You never served what would you know of Purple Hearts. The only wound you ever sustained in combat is when your local NAMBLA unit assaulted that private all boys school.
Reply:Because its true.

He is a military hating hypocrite who most likely would have done a worse job as president than bush.
Reply:John Kerry is my senator and he is a do nothing idiot who lives like a fat cat. Oh, sure he was brave during Vietnam but beyond this what in hell has he produced of note???
Reply:Considering he NOMINATED HIMSELF FOR for the medal, it looks like you are the clueless one. Care to explain how he got the first one.

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