Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Which party in the House and Senate currently has more purple hearts?

Democrats have more purple hearts because the Republicans have zero hearts:)

Which party in the House and Senate currently has more purple hearts?
A tally of which party has more purple hearts, doesn’t necessarily attest to the patriotism of that Party. After all, there are numerous reasons why men join the military, and not all of them join out of a sense of duty to ones country, as our idyllic picture of the military would have us believe. Many join the armed services for ulterior motives like paying for school, getting job training, being the only alternative to earning a minimum wage, having something to put on your resume when you run for office in the future, and forced conscription like in Vietnam. Despite the noble or self-serving intentions of the servicemen, they all could get injured in a combat situation, and therefore receive the Purple Heart for their act. The true test of patriotism, is if given an alternative to not receive an injury, would these men who are in our government who have Purple Hearts relive their experiences intentionally to protect this country? It’s hard to tell. A medal does not attest to patriotism anymore than having a Doctorate in Medicine means that one should automatically be deemed a caring person who loves their patients selflessly. I have met many doctors who are profiteers, and who treat patients like numbers. The same is true of many of our Veterans, even the ones who were given medals.
Reply:I think its GWB
Reply:Maybe at this link you can find the answer. It contains vets of both parties.
Reply:Is this a real question, or do you know the answer?

If the answer is the democrats, it is because of all the recent congressmen who ran as moderate democrats, and the lying, socialist john kerry.

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