Sunday, May 16, 2010

Do you think John Kerry shot himself in the foot to get another dub?ious Purple Heart?


Also a limerick for our democrat party hero and presidential wannabe...

There once was a soldier named Kerry

He sought out of 'Nam in a hurry

So with bullet and bandaid

His escape was soon made

While real patriots we had to bury.

Do you think John Kerry shot himself in the foot to get another dub?ious Purple Heart?
Well, Edgar Allen Poe's job is safe.... but I totally understand the point and sentiment. I've grown weary of liberals bemoaning our "cruelty" in Iraq and our "unconstitutional" treatment of playing loud music to people who are not even citizens(and enemies at that-- who major news media will NOT show disemboweling and beheading Americans), while ignoring torture chanmbers and mass graves of the Iraqi dictator.

So, I'll pardon the poetry and give you a thumbs up.
Reply:I can't help but mention that Kerry and hurry do not rhyme in the least bit.
Reply:Kerry is a foolish man, especially in light of his recent disrespect of United States troops... troops that are dying to defend his freedom to make statements such as that. I think he just pussied out and couldn't take the heat of 'Nam
Reply:I refuse to say anything bad concerning John Kerry's service, after all, he served. Leave that to the swift boat veterans that where with him to do that. But, because he served doesn't make him any less of a pompous liberal elitist, which he clearly is.

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