Sunday, May 16, 2010

How many purple hearts can someone receive?

This guy said he was in the Navy during the Viet Nam era and got nine.....sound fishy?

How many purple hearts can someone receive?
I'd imagine it would be pretty hard for a squid to be awarded that once, much less 9 times, but I suppose it's possible.

Ask to see his DD-214! You'll know for sure!
Reply:You can get as many as you rate-no limit. Nine seems a little high and, not to step on toes, especially for someone in the Navy unless they are a Congressman or were a medic with a ground unit. I do know of one Marine who got seven, yes all deserved, over two tours but that is an exception to the norm.
Reply:depends how much blood 1 has in him

No soldier wants a purple heart.

It is not a good thing to try and collect
Reply:Only one was enough for me!
Reply:I don't believe there is any limit to the number of Purple Hearts issued, any more than there is a limit on how many times a person can be injured in combat.
Reply:kerry got 4 and he was only in combat 4 months. LOL.....I guess if you know how to work the system you can get quite a few, even without seeing a medic.
Reply:bit unusual I would say. After three he could rotate home, so I'm thinking this was a bit much. So many people have or had a tendency to exaggerate military life and their achievements that it's sometimes hard to know the real truth.

My tendency is to believe those who have very little to say about their time in Nam, or any other battles, for that matter.!
Reply:as far as i know theres no limit, you get as many as you earn!!
Reply:As many times as he gets wounded or hurt in combat!
Reply:I would say if you got more then 4 you might want to get out of the service, I know my husband would not want someone like that standing on the side of him, He's just a target. Mr. Accident prone i would say.
Reply:as many times as you get wounded in battle
Reply:You get them for being injured. So, if you are injured 9 times you can get it 9 times.

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